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Or else I may well be listening to one of my tapes:
I have been recording cassettes for nearly 30 years now, and have been
maintaining a list of them on computers (an Apple ][, a Z80 Altos (192K RAM, 3-user!),
then a 286, and now a 486-80) for the past 19 years.
The vast majority of these recordings are of much higher quality
than those run off at high speed on marginal media by the record companies,
by paying close attention to a few details...
One 'trick' is to set record levels much lower than you might imagine.
Remember that the frequency response of your cassette recorder is
specified at -20 dB! And even the best cassette decks in the world,
using the best cassette tapes in the world, can only reproduce out
to about 16 KHz once the record level has risen to -4 dB. So when
you record your tapes with the meters peaking up in the red, consider
that, during those loud passages/instants, frequencies above 10 KHz
are simply not being reproduced; the tape is saturated. As such, I
try to drastically limit the amount of recording time during which
my meters are above -4 dB (with respect to the Dolby level; there's
probably a "double-D" emblem at either 0 or +3 on your meters).
Another 'trick' is to avoid recording on a deck that does not
provide a front-panel record-sensitivity adjustment. Otherwise
the deck cannot possibly compensate for the varying efficiencies of
the various tapes that will be used, which will result in Dolby
And the last trick is to pay very careful attention to the azimuth
setting of the tape head(s). Decks come from manufacturers set
"all over the place", which can wreak havoc with high-frequency
performance when played back on other equipment. Dolby has set
more stringent standards for head
positioning in those decks equipped with Dolby 'S', but it is
still important to make sure that the azimuth is set compatibly
with (hopefully) all the tapes in your collection.
So now there are well over 1000 titles in my collection. Sometimes,
when away from home (like, say, in a record store) I want to know
the quality/condition of my copy of a particular album. Well, for
years I needed a terminal and a modem and a phone line that
could call home. Now, I can retrieve my tapes data from anywhere
with web access (if I've forgotten to bring along my HPC, that is).
The three columns without headings are for quality (recording[0-9]/tape[alpha code]),
if the tape is erasable/why[alpha code], and which Dolby NR system was used.
During the '90s, I began using Dolby 'C'. While 'B' was sufficient for
recording LPs, with all their surface noises, the extra measure of hiss
reduction afforded by 'C' seemed more appropriate for capturing CDs.
But now that over 1/3 of my collection is 'C'-encoded, I've finally found
a cassette deck whose implementation of Dolby 'S' is impeccable, and have
begun encoding nearly everything I record with Dolby 'S'. 'S' does not
provide very much more hiss reduction than 'C', it mainly just seems
to do it's job more transparently, with the added benefit of sounding
better on playback equipment that has no Dolby, or Dolby 'B' only.
A good Dolby 'S' recording with good equipment is virtually impossible
to distinguish from the original source. So guess how eager I was to
invest in DAT or any other recordable audio medium! So it's taken me
'forever' to finally begin recording CDs...
Now, if only someone could inform me of a source of a good solid
affordable chest of drawers custom-made to hold audio cassettes,
I'd have more room to fill with discs.
Official Genesis Home Page
The Way They Walk
Supersonic Scientist's Home
Check out Stan Ridgway
RunninBlue's Doors Page
The Pink Floyd Home Page
Index of Moody Blues Resources
Led Zeppelin Home Page
Quicksilver Messenger Service
Rundgren in cyberspace...
Usenet Musical Groups List
Exact Audio Copy
Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs
Dolby Laboratories
Timecast List of Classic Rock Stations (RealAudio)
RealAudio: Live 'netcast of KEPC 89.7 Colorado Springs
RealAudio: Live 'netcast of KSHE 95 (94.7 FM) St. Louis
Upcoming Vital Reissues & New Releases
CD Now: albums, artists, tracklists...
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